Friday, 20 September 2013

Auto generated metadata files in ADF application

When you create the Fusion web application, the below files are generated inside the source folder. Let us take a quick look on these metadata XML files to understand the role of each item in our application.

1. adf-settings.xml:

-The adf-settings.xml file keeps the UI project configurations.
-The adf-settings.xml file holds project- and library-level settings such as ADF Faces help providers and caching/compression rules. 
-The configuration settings for the adf-settings.xml files are fixed and cannot be changed during and after application deployment.
-This file is present in side < project-root >/src/META-INF folder
-There can be multiple adf-settings.xml files in an application.

2. faces-config.xml: 

- The faces-config.xml file contains the configurations for a web application built using JSF.
-This file allows us to configure managed beans, data convertors, and validators used in the UI, navigation cases, global resource bundles, view handlers, page life-cycle phase listeners and custom life-cycle factory implementation for the application.

3. adfc-config.xml:

-The default name for an ADF unbounded task flow's XML source file is adfc-config.xml.
-Each Fusion web application optionally contains a single ADF unbounded task flow.
-The adfc-config.xml file contains activities, control flow rules, and managed beans interacting to allow a user to complete a task.

4. trinidad-config.xml: 

-The generated trinidad-config.xml file contains only the skin family name. However, trinidad-config.xml can be used to override the default configurations for accessibility settings, locale settings, state management, and so on.

-We can configure the Page animation, Level of page accessibility support, Time zone, Enhanced debugging output and Oracle Help for the Web (OHW) URL through trinidad-config.xml file.

5. web.xml:

-The web.xml file acts as deployment descriptor for a Java-based web application. When you generate a Fusion web application by using JDeveloper, a default web.xml file with default settings will be created for you.

-The default entries include context parameters for configuring the runtime state of the system, security filters, data binding filters for web pages, and resource look up filters.

-The web.xml file also includes servlet context listeners for initializing the management and monitoring services for view and model layers.

6. adf-config.xml:

-The adf-config.xml file contains application-level settings, which manage the runtime infrastructure such as failover behavior for the application modules, global fetch limit for all the view objects, caching of resource bundles, automated refresh of page bindings, and so on—for your application.
-The properties like initial-size, max-size, load-factor, expire-time you can configure inside the adf-config.xml.

7. weblogic-application.xml:

-This file is the WebLogic Server-specific deployment descriptor.

For more information you can follow the below links:


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