Friday, 22 June 2018

How to monitor the Heap size in jDeveloper IDE

This below blog we will see how to monitor the heap size in jDeveloper IDE. There is chance to monitor during runtime consumed heap and permgen memory by jDeveloper IDE. Even it is possible at runtime through jDeveloper user can force garbage collection.

Now open your jdev.conf file (path:C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\jdev\bin[path depends upon installation directory]) and add the below property
AddVMOption -DMainWindow.MemoryMonitorOn=true

Now you can see in the jDeveloper lower right corner - heap and permgen memory statistics will be available, along with garbage collector button.

Generally maximum range for heap memory is set in ide.conf (C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\ide\bin[path depends upon installation directory]) file.


Clear the table filters programmatically

This blog we will see how to clear the table filters programmatically.

The below code we need to add to clear the table filter

    public void resetFilter(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        FilterableQueryDescriptor fqd = (FilterableQueryDescriptor)t1.getFilterModel();
               if (fqd != null && fqd.getFilterCriteria() != null) {
                 t1.queueEvent(new QueryEvent(t1, fqd));          
