This blog we will see how to use JQuery in Oracle ADF.
The below steps we need to follow to use JQuery in ADF.
if ($("input[name=it1]").val() != null) {
if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'AAA' )) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "green");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'BBB')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "magenta");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'CCC')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "blue");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'DDD')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "yellow");
else {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "red");
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/resources/js/inputTextJScript.js"/>
The below steps we need to follow to use JQuery in ADF.
- Add JQuery library (Jquery Library) into your fusion web application. Add the JavaScript file inside Lib.
- Add a JavaScript file in resource resources.
- Add the below method inside the new JavaScript file for change the color as per the entered text.
if ($("input[name=it1]").val() != null) {
if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'AAA' )) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "green");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'BBB')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "magenta");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'CCC')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "blue");
else if (($("input[name=it1]").val() == 'DDD')) {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "yellow");
else {
$("input[name=it1]").css("color", "red");
- Now create a jspx page, and call this above JavaScript file as a resource in jspx page, and also add Jquery Lib to jspx page as Resource.
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/resources/js/inputTextJScript.js"/>
- Just see the JSPX Page like the below
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
< contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<af:document title="JQueryCallADF.jspx" id="d1">
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/javascript/libs/jquery-1.4.4.js"/>
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/resources/js/inputTextJScript.js"/>
<af:form id="f1">
<af:inputText label="Enter Text :" id="it1" contentStyle="font-weight:bold;">
<af:clientListener method="changeColorText" type="keyDown"/>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
< contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<af:document title="JQueryCallADF.jspx" id="d1">
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/javascript/libs/jquery-1.4.4.js"/>
<af:resource type="javascript" source="/resources/js/inputTextJScript.js"/>
<af:form id="f1">
<af:inputText label="Enter Text :" id="it1" contentStyle="font-weight:bold;">
<af:clientListener method="changeColorText" type="keyDown"/>
- Now run the application and enter the value in text box the color change will display.